Marcia Jaffe Founder Bali Institute

Interview: Marcia Jaffe – Seeking to Heal the World from Bali Catches Up with Marcia Jaffe of the Bali Institute for Global Renewal

Bali News: Interview: Marcia Jaffe – Seeking to Heal the World from Bali
(7/14/2007) Marcia Jaffe is the moving force behind the Bali Institute for Global Renewal and a World-wide Leadership Conference to be held in Bali July 31 – August 7, 2007. [See: Come to Bali and Make a World of Difference]. Up to 500 people are expected to converge on Bali in late July to experience leadership training, Balinese wisdom learning, and hands-on practicum experience -all designed to enhance actions to be taken back in their own communities.

Recently caught up with Marcia Jaffe, the lady who has helped put Ubud on the map of major leadership conference.

Interview: Marcia Jaffe of the Bali Institute for Global Renewal What is the Bali Institute for Global Renewal?

Marcia Jaffe: Our Institute started as the next step after creating and producing two "Quest for Global Healing" conferences that we held in Ubud in 2004 and 2006. We began asking ourselves what we were learning from doing these gatherings with so many people wanting to participate. The enormous energy of the Balinese culture mixed with people from around the world who are looking for a way to make a difference creates a transformative space where true leadership can emerge. That's our belief and the Bali Institute will serve primarily as a world learning center offering new forms of global leadership, dialogue, activism, conflict resolution training and other transformative learning mixed with Balinese indigenous wisdom. We also plan to have membership opportunities with universities, corporations, organizations and NGOs, and other institutes who hold meetings, conferences and workshops, so that we are helping to bring people into Ubud as a cultural learning experience. How will the Bali Institute impact Bali?

Marcia Jaffe: I think our most important mission is to help people come to Bali as a learning culture, not just a place to visit as tourists. Bali is such a unique place in all the world, and it is one of the few places where people come away inspired and more deeply engaged in what is "possible" in the world. There is something here that is like no other place on earth. We know we can help create a model of how indigenous cultures can be resting grounds for a new way for the world to learn/re-learn what is at the core of our collective and individual being. What an honor to be helping bring a more global voice to Bali as it speaks to the world about global healing and global action. We believe that Ubud will be a hub for transformative changes through dialogue and leadership training.

As part of this mission, we also want to create a brand new facility that will serve as a world "banjar"...imagine a world community center that could host world dialogues, global youth gatherings, and other meetings. We have some pretty big ideas and already a possible location, so we hope to make an announcement at the Gathering in Ubud in August. Tell us about your program this year.

Marcia Jaffe: Our third Gathering is called "Awakening Global Action: Leadership, Indigenous Wisdom and Dialogue for a Transforming World" and takes place in Ubud on August 1-7. Different than the last two Quests for Global Healing Conferences, we are emphasizing ACTION rather than "healing" as our entire team feels that the issue is moving people into their own leadership capacities rather than continuing to just dialogue about what needs to be healed on our planet. Our 7-day program will give people an opportunity to talk about specific issues regarding 5 areas of interest: transformative education, political and social leadership; spirituality, healing and indigenous wisdom; media as activism regarding film, journalism, performance and visual arts; global business and the link with NGOs; and deep ecology, environment and sustainability. Our delegates will have the chance to select from a variety of cultural experiences as well as amazing dialogues that weave together Balinese culture and global social issues -- visiting a banjar, a field trip with a leading Balinese environmentalist, a trip to new suicide prevention clinics, a morning with political activists, and much more. There are also great evening adventures that are open to everyone. Can local expatriates and others attend?

Marcia Jaffe: Absolutely. We actually have a special discounted rate for locals so that they can attend just for a day or two if they can't attend the entire gathering. We are working closely with Balispirit.comand they are helping us with local registration. Anyone interested can register beginning July 25th at the Balispirit Kafe on Hanoman Street. Or they can call us at 081558333258 and ask for Ryan. Who are the world leaders coming to Ubud this year?

Marcia Jaffe: We will be hosting a group of fascinating world leaders who represent more than 20 countries. We have just gotten word that Prince Cedza Dlamini, grandson to Nelson Mandela, will be bringing his own father, Prince HRH Prince Thumbumuzi Dlamini who is an expert in local and international trade between developing and developed nations. HRH Princess Stella Signcau Bio, the daughter of His Majesty King Mpondombini of the Pondoland Nation in the Eastern Cape is also coming. She is a former Miss Kwazulu-Natal and Miss South Africa finalist of 1994, and currently works in the Department of Foreign Affairs in Pretoria. Other guests come from Colombia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Thailand, Cambodia, Argentina, Afghanistan, and other countries.

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